The daily program consists of a variety of play and learning activities in which children can be involved individually, in a small group or in a large group, for language and music sessions. The Director is trained in Early Childhood Development and designs the programme to help the children’s development - social, emotional, physical, intellectual and creative domains. The programme reflects The Early Years Learning Framework that ‘forms the foundation for ensuring that children in all early childhood education and care settings experience quality teaching and learning. It has a specific emphasis on play-based learning and recognises the importance of communication and language (including early literacy and numeracy) and social and emotional development’.
Indoor activities may involve; imaginary and dramatic play, creative activities, play dough, clay, stories, counting/number, sorting, block building, matching, exploring, puzzles, construction materials and cooking etc.
A time when children are encouraged to help put away and care for equipment and a time for co-operating and assisting others.
This is a planned whole group experience where children are encouraged to sit and listen, as well as share ideas and experiences. It’s a time for discussion about topics of interest (researching) and most importantly to cultivate a love of books and an interest in reading.
Another planned whole group experience where children are encouraged to participate in singing, playing instruments, dance, drama and games: all fun ways to develop musical skills.
A time to run, climb, jump, balance, dig, build, pretend and explore the environment. Also a great place for learning how to play successfully with other children, to share and take turns. During Terms 1 and 4 outside time will take place at 9.00am (before it becomes too hot). During Terms 2 and 3 it will commence at 11.30am.
A piece of fruit is requested to be included for morning-tea, this may be fresh, dried or tinned fruit. This promotes healthy eating and encourages conversation and sharing of information. It is a time for sitting and talking with friends as well as learning about manners and maintaining healthy eating habits.
We enjoy celebrating birthdays just as children do. On or near your child’s birthday you are welcome to bring a cake, patty cakes or fruit etc for the occasion at morning-tea time. Please notify the staff if you wish to do this. Please note our Chocolate and Nut Free Policy.
We are continually working towards healthy eating and are conscious of high sugar foods so we would appreciate minimising the amount of sugar cakes contain. Whilst cakes are not a problem, we sometimes can have multiple cakes per week which is additional food for children attending on multiple days, therefore an awareness of a cake’s sugar content is appreciated.
If you do not wish your child to partake in accepting other preschooler’s cakes/fruit on these occasions – please indicate on their Enrolment Form and you may provide an alternative that can be stored in the preschool’s freezer.
Preschool is equipped with a lovely kitchen and educators enjoy providing cooking experiences for children within the educational programme. This encourages the development of; self-help skills, health and nutrition knowledge, hygiene practices, and general food exposure. It provides opportunity to sample different tastes, smells and textures which may not have been introduced to them. It is also fun!
This is an important time in a busy day and all children have appropriate opportunities to sleep, rest and relax in accordance with their individual needs. Children are encouraged rest quietly and read or listen to audio stories, music or relevant DVD’s (very restricted) following lunch. Children are provided with individual swags which are washed throughout the term. As the need for a rest decreases, rest time is shortened and replaced with a quiet activity time.
Excursions provide great opportunities to extend children’s learning and to give children experiences that they may not otherwise have. Notices will be sent home notifying you of the excursion details. Permission notes must be signed in order for the children to attend. There is usually a small cost involved however we try to keep this to a minimum.
Indoor activities may involve; imaginary and dramatic play, creative activities, play dough, clay, stories, counting/number, sorting, block building, matching, exploring, puzzles, construction materials and cooking etc.
A time when children are encouraged to help put away and care for equipment and a time for co-operating and assisting others.
This is a planned whole group experience where children are encouraged to sit and listen, as well as share ideas and experiences. It’s a time for discussion about topics of interest (researching) and most importantly to cultivate a love of books and an interest in reading.
Another planned whole group experience where children are encouraged to participate in singing, playing instruments, dance, drama and games: all fun ways to develop musical skills.
A time to run, climb, jump, balance, dig, build, pretend and explore the environment. Also a great place for learning how to play successfully with other children, to share and take turns. During Terms 1 and 4 outside time will take place at 9.00am (before it becomes too hot). During Terms 2 and 3 it will commence at 11.30am.
A piece of fruit is requested to be included for morning-tea, this may be fresh, dried or tinned fruit. This promotes healthy eating and encourages conversation and sharing of information. It is a time for sitting and talking with friends as well as learning about manners and maintaining healthy eating habits.
We enjoy celebrating birthdays just as children do. On or near your child’s birthday you are welcome to bring a cake, patty cakes or fruit etc for the occasion at morning-tea time. Please notify the staff if you wish to do this. Please note our Chocolate and Nut Free Policy.
We are continually working towards healthy eating and are conscious of high sugar foods so we would appreciate minimising the amount of sugar cakes contain. Whilst cakes are not a problem, we sometimes can have multiple cakes per week which is additional food for children attending on multiple days, therefore an awareness of a cake’s sugar content is appreciated.
If you do not wish your child to partake in accepting other preschooler’s cakes/fruit on these occasions – please indicate on their Enrolment Form and you may provide an alternative that can be stored in the preschool’s freezer.
Preschool is equipped with a lovely kitchen and educators enjoy providing cooking experiences for children within the educational programme. This encourages the development of; self-help skills, health and nutrition knowledge, hygiene practices, and general food exposure. It provides opportunity to sample different tastes, smells and textures which may not have been introduced to them. It is also fun!
This is an important time in a busy day and all children have appropriate opportunities to sleep, rest and relax in accordance with their individual needs. Children are encouraged rest quietly and read or listen to audio stories, music or relevant DVD’s (very restricted) following lunch. Children are provided with individual swags which are washed throughout the term. As the need for a rest decreases, rest time is shortened and replaced with a quiet activity time.
Excursions provide great opportunities to extend children’s learning and to give children experiences that they may not otherwise have. Notices will be sent home notifying you of the excursion details. Permission notes must be signed in order for the children to attend. There is usually a small cost involved however we try to keep this to a minimum.